– Our Equipment –
Bottling Service
We decided to purchase Italian machinery from GAI. The line has been designed to minimise any oxygen pickup during the bottling process and runs at a maximum of 1000 bottles an hour. This means the whole process is very gentle on the wine and it is not being forced through large filtration systems.
Apart from bottling our own wines we also offer a bottling service to other wineries or “virtual wineries”. The bottling line is run by ourselves so there is always at least one qualified winemaker involved in bottling your precious cargo and rest assured it will be treated as if it were our own.
– Our Services –
What We do
Bottle to Cleanskin or Bottle Label Pack
Cork or Screw cap bottles
375ml bordeaux
750ml most standard bottle shapes and 1.5 Litre Magnums Burgundy
Labelling of Cleanskins and packing
Dry goods
You may supply your own dry goods or we have a supply of standard stock items available. Using our goods means you only have to buy what you actually use so there is no need to pay for and then store left over bottles etc. However any goods supplied will remain the property of Unison Estate until paid for full.
We have two 1350L trailer tankers available which you can hook up to your vehicle. There is also a 2400L tank which can be put on a small flatbed truck or a double axle trailer that is rated sufficiently. We also have an 800L tank that will go on most trailers.
For those customers who don’t have thier own bonded storage facilities, we have linked in with a number of local bonded warehouses in Hawke’s Bay. They offer a full logistics distribution service to our customers. They will arrange for your wine to be picked up post bottling and are fully bonded with Customs so no duty is payable till you sell the wine or it is exported. They are fully automated so you can track stock and dispatch bottles anywhere in NZ or the world from your computer.
Not a winery but interested in sourcing your own label wine?
We can help you through the process of sourcing and finishing wines off prior to bottling. There are many people who operate “virtual wineries” so please let us know your ideas
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